
Telecommuting a Pain? Simple Strategies for Improved Work-at-Home Ergonomics

By Caitlin Smith, MS, OTR/L, ODT Covid-19 has made working from home the new reality for many Americans. Many employees who are new to telecommuting may find staying productive and comfortable a struggle.  While many companies provide ergonomic equipment in the workplace, most employees do not have the access to the same supportive seating or adjustable monitors at home. For those who will only be temporarily working from home, there is less of an incentive to invest in expensive home of...
Posted on 2020-04-16

Is Your Desk Setup Hurting You?

Is Your Desk Setup Hurting You?
By Mandie Martuzzo, PT Did you know that most neck pain and headaches can be attributed to poor posture? Low and mid back pain can also be rooted in postural origins.  Wikipedia defines poor posture as “the posture that results from certain muscles tightening up or shortening while others lengthen and become weak which often occurs as a result of one’s daily activities.” The positions where you spend most of your time can lead to postural changes that then promote d...
Posted on 2018-07-18

Pokémon, PokéNeck and PokéFreedmon: How to Beat Pokémon Without Letting it Take You Down

Pokémon, PokéNeck and PokéFreedmon: How to Beat Pokémon Without Letting it Take You Down
By Stephanie Penny, PT, DPT, OCS Walking my dog around Lincoln Park in Chicago, I could not help but notice the crowd of people gathered around the South Pond.  “Is there a performance?” I wondered to myself.  No, turns out it was a Pokémon arena that turned this area into a hot spot.  Most likely you have heard of Pokémon GO or seen a person stumbling down the sidewalk while playing. Pokémon GO is a mobile app that you download to your ...
Posted on 2016-08-24

Elbow Room

By Hunter Van Houten PT, DPT Recently, the artist known as Bono of U2 commented on his recovery from his cycling accident, saying that “It is not clear that I will ever play guitar again”. What? Bono may not be able to shred with the Edge anymore? No! Bono was specifically talking about his injured elbow. Bono fractured his humerus distally near his elbow joint, requiring surgery and the use of several screws and metal plates to successfully repair the broken bone. Regaining the mot...
Posted on 2015-01-28